
訪問學人Zdenek Kresl 博士於漢學研究中心報到


捷克籍學人Zdenek Kresl 博士於112年2月2日報到,他是捷克國家科學院國際關係處(Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)副處長,研究主題為「The role of research institutions and science parks in Taiwan in the development of modern technology industry with emphasis on semiconductors, chip manufacturing, transfer of knowledge into industrial practice and related opportunities for the Czech Republic and Czech scientific institutions. General cooperation between the Czech Republic and Taiwan in the field of science and research and related opportunities for Czech and Taiwanese institutions for closer cooperation.」,研究期間為112年2月至4月。在臺駐點機構為國家實驗研究院 (National Applied Research Laboratories)。