


Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars

Time: Thursday, September 28, 2017 地點:國家圖書館簡報室
Venue: Briefing Room 129,
National Central Library, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
11:40-12:10 報到
12:10-12:20 主席致詞:外交部研究設計會譚副主任國定
Opening Remarks:
Mr. Kuo-Ting Tan, Deputy Director General, Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
12:20-12:30 講題:找到臺灣的聲音:臺灣在1930年代的語言辯論
Topic: Finding Taiwan's voice: Taiwanese language debates of the 1930s
Speaker: Dr. Mark McConaghy, University of Toronto, Canada
12:30-12:40 講題:臺灣與教廷外交關係之未來
Topic: Future diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the Holy See
主講人:義大利羅馬大學副教授Stefano Pelaggi博士
Speaker: Dr. Stefano Pelaggi, Associate Professor, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
12:40-12:50 講題:全球視野下臺灣創新競爭力之綜合性研究
Topic: Comprehensive research on Taiwan innovative competitiveness in the global perspective
Speaker: Dr. Olga Khomenko, Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine
12:50-13:00 講題: 臺灣在2008年全球金融危機後的經濟刺激方案
Topic: Taiwanese economic stimulus packages after the global financial crisis of 2008
主講人:日本神戶大學博士候選人Ka Phaydanglobriayao 先生
Speaker: Mr. Ka Phaydanglobriayao, PhD Candidate, Kobe University, Japan
13:00-13:30 討論
Q & A