2020 Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars—Geopolitics after COVID-19
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Central Library host the 2020 Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars on July 9th, 2020. The forum is composed of three sections: Maritime Security, Economic Security, and Fake News, with the topic "The Fall of Great Powers? Geopolitics after COVID-19", "Peru Post COVID-19: From Regional Success Story to Calamity", and "China’s Disinformation Campaign is Gaining Speed and Scope with the Aim of Geopolitical Gains".
Dr. Klement Gu (Direct General of Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is invited as chairperson, and the forum is attended by over 60 guests, including three speakers: Dr. Kevin Henry Villanueva (Associate Professor, University of the Philippines), Ms. Ana Gabriela MANSILLA GRIPPA (Assistant Professor, National San Marcos University), and Mr. Robert Stefanicki (Reporter, Gazeta Wyborcza), and three discussants: Dr. Ming-shih SHEN (Associate Professor, National Defense University), Dr. Kuo-chun YEH (Professor, National Taiwan University), and Dr. Christy Yachi CHIANG (Associate professor, National Taipei University of Technology).