
2023 MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Candidates


100 applicants from 42 countries are selected as 2023 Taiwan Fellowship Candidates. After submitting a Letter of Consent for Research by the end of 2022, the candidates will officially become Taiwan Fellowship Scholars.

Here comes the full list, in alphabetical order by country.

Argentina 阿根廷

Habib, Javier Ignacio:男,阿根廷聖保羅-T大學及國立聖米格爾-德圖庫曼大學(University of San Paul T & National University of Tucuman)副教授。研究題目:Judicial Reasoning and Change in Private Law: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and Argentina。研究期間:4個月。

Australia 澳洲

Chang, Artemis:女,澳洲昆士蘭科技大學(Queensland University of Technology)副教授,研究題目:Transnational Taiwanese Family Firms in the New Business Environment: Identities of the Successors and Firms。研究期間:4個月。

Fitzgerald, John(費約翰):男,澳洲斯文本科技大學(Swinburne University of Technology)教授。研究題目:Subnational and Para-Diplomacy in Taiwan-Australia Relations: Prospects and Challenges。研究期間:6個月。

Lupton, Darryl:男,澳洲邦德大學(Bond University)講師。研究題目:An Investigation into How Taiwan Can Use Sports Diplomacy to Engage Athletes and Use Sport to Share Taiwan’s Values, Culture and Message of Peace and Friendship。研究期間:12個月。

Merrett, Hew Cameron:男,澳洲國家健康暨醫藥研究委員會(National Health and Medical Research Council)副處長,研究題目:A Framework for Measuring Safety Culture in the Taiwanese Construction Industry。研究期間:12個月。


Jasim, Zainab Abdulnabi:女,巴林阿里亞大學(Ahlia University)助理教授。研究題目:Based on Peace Journalism Model: Asian and Middle Eastern Coverage of Syria's War。研究期間:12個月。

Cameroon 喀麥隆

Atimniraye Nyelade, Richard:男,加拿大渥太華大學 (University of Ottawa)博士候選人。研究題目:Socio-Anthropological Analysis of the Relations between Somaliland and Taiwan。研究期間:12個月。

Chile 智利

Vidal Kunstmann, José Miguel(何賽):男,智利天主教大學 (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)博士後研究。研究題目:An Exploration on Primary and Secondary Sources on Qing China’s Perspectives on Latin America in Libraries and Archives in the Republic of China。研究期間:3個月。

Colombia 哥倫比亞

Gomez Albarello, Juan Gabriel:男,哥倫比亞國立大學(Universidad Nacional de Colombia)副教授。研究題目:Self-Determination and Diatopic Hermeneutics as Political Tools in the Midst of Great Powers Rivalry。研究期間:6個月。

Czech Republic 捷克

Hradilova, Katerina:女,捷克政府科技發展部(Department for Coordination of Science, Development and Innovation, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic)博士後研究,研究題目:Analysis of Research and Development Policy of Taiwan with a Focus on Semiconductor Industry: Comparison to the Czech Republic。研究期間:4個月。

Kresl, Zdenek:男,捷克政府科學院(Czech Academy of Sciences)國際處副處長,研究題目:The Role of Research Institutions and Science Parks in Taiwan in the Development of Modern Technology Industry with Emphasis on Semiconductors, Chip Manufacturing, Transfer of Knowledge into Industrial Practice and Related Opportunities for the Czech Republic and Czech Scientific Institutions. General Cooperation Between the Czech Republic and Taiwan in the Field of Science and Research and Related Opportunities for Czech and Taiwanese Institutions for Closer Cooperation.。研究期間:3個月。

Finland 芬蘭

Pitkänen, Ari-Joonas Richard:男,芬蘭圖爾庫經濟學院(University of Turku)博士候選人,研究題目:Performing the Pacific Island: Place, Practice, and Matter in the Making of Oceanic Taiwan。研究期間:9個月。

France 法國

Assayag, Laure Léa Luccia:女,法國社會科學高等學院(École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS))博士候選人,研究題目:A Theory of Constitution-Making and Compromise in Deeply Divided Societies: Lessons from Taiwan's Constitutional Experience。研究期間:5個月。

Di Meglio, Jean-François(迪蒙柳):男,法國巴黎亞洲中心(Asia Centre Paris)主任,研究題目:How Taiwan’s Digital Democracy and New Tools Used to Improve Political Life Can Help Western Democracies and Strengthen Cooperation and Ties Between Taiwan and Europe。研究期間:4個月。

Duchatel, Mathieu Gilles(杜懋之):男,法國蒙田研究院(Institute Montaigne)主任,研究題目:Supply Chain Security: A Comparative Study of Taiwan, Japan and the European Union。研究期間:12個月。

Feng, Isabelle(馮鳳閣):女,比利時布魯塞爾自由大學(Universite Libre de Bruxelles)博士候選人,研究題目:Taiwanese Multinational Companies’ Corporate Governance in the New Global Geopolitical Game of Post COVID-19。研究期間:6個月。。

Germany 德國

Dr. Böing, Philipp:男,德國萊布尼茲歐洲經濟研究中心(Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW))副研究員,研究題目:The Quest for Global Technological Leadership: A Patent-based International Comparison。研究期間:6個月。

Kaeding, Malte(馬寶康):男,英國薩里大學(University of Surrey)副教授,研究題目:The Politics of Empathy: Hong Kong and Taiwan as Affective Communities。研究期間:4個月。

Köckritz, Angela(安可馨):女,獨立記者,研究題目:The Cross-Strait Conflict in the Light of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine。研究期間:3個月。

Loboda, Maxim:男,德國漢堡大學(University of Hamburg)博士生,研究題目:Why is Taiwan’s Integration into World Political Committees Important to the Global Community?。研究期間:5個月。

Schmitz, Frederik(福漢德):男,德國波恩大學(University of Bonn)研究助理,研究題目:“Feeling” History: Identity Formation and Nostalgia in the Republic of China。研究期間:6個月。

Shi, Ming(史明):男,獨立記者,研究題目:Taiwan and the Chinese-Speaking Diaspora in Europe and the World: The Impetus for Political Debates About Democracy and Freedom?。研究期間:4個月。

Zillessen, Sophie Caroline:女,德國德臺協會(Deutsch-Taiwanische Gesellschaft e.V.)副主席,研究題目:Options and Challenges: The Emerging Role of NGOs for Taiwan´s Foreign Policy in Europe。研究期間:4個月。


Pozuelos Arriaza, Monica Dalila:女,瓜地馬拉拉法耶蘭帝瓦大學(Rafael Landivar University)講師,研究題目:The Republic of China (Taiwan) National Cybersecurity Strategy to Develop a Solid Cyber-Diplomacy: How to Build a Route for Guatemala。研究期間:6個月。


Matamoros Galo, Denia Catalina:女,宏都拉斯國立自治大學(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH))講師,研究題目:Intercomprehension to Promote the Recognition of New Words in a Third Language: Inference of Spanish-English Cognates in Language Education。研究期間:4個月。

India 印度

Brar, Aadil(畢諳典):男,英國倫敦大學亞洲研究所(Institution for the Study of Asia, University of London)研究生(記者),研究題目:Beijing Signaling at Taipei: A Study of Coercion and Conflict Signaling in Cross-Strait Relations。研究期間:12個月。

Joy, Ashna:女,印度馬札斯技術學院(Indian Institute of Technology Madras)博士生,研究題目:Politics of Identity of Indigenous Islanders of Taiwan: A Case Study of Hualien。研究期間:4個月。

Kumari, Mansi(孟欣):女,印度哈里亞納邦友好集團大學(Amity University Haryana)助理教授,研究題目:Evolving Power Dynamics in the Indian Ocean Region: Challenges and Opportunity for India-Taiwan Ties。研究期間:12個月。

Majumdar, Koustab:男,印度維韋卡南達教育研究所(Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute)博士後研究。研究題目:Comparing Indigenous Social Welfare Policies in Taiwan and India: Best Practices and Lessons from Each Other。研究期間:6個月。

Nanduri, Kranthi:女,印度管理研究所加爾各答分校(Indian Institute of Management Calcutta)博士生。研究題目:Agrarian Change and Rural Industrialization in Taiwan- Insights for “Make in India” and “MSME” Policies in India。研究期間:7個月。

Patole, Rajesh Mahadev:男,印度孟買大學公民與政治系(Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai)博士生。研究題目:The Role and Importance of Taiwan in Indo-Pacific Strategy and Quad Mechanism to Counter Chinese Aggression。研究期間:12個月。

Yelery, Aravind Balaji(葉文):男,中國北京大學(Peking University)助理教授。研究題目:Soft Power Advocacies and Taiwan: Taiwan’s New Constructs and Its Implications for the Diverse and Multi-Polar World。研究期間:4個月。

Indonesia 印尼

Dion Maulana Prasetya:男,馬來西亞蘇丹扎納爾阿比丁大學(Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin)博士生,研究題目:Is China a Satisfied or Dissatisfied Power? Understanding China's Bilateral Approach towards ASEAN。研究期間:6個月。

Rachmad Anres Dongoran:男,印尼食品藥品監督管理局(Indonesian Food and Drug Authority)公務員(博士後研究),研究題目:Taiwan Food and Drug Administration System: A Perspective of International Relations。研究期間:12個月。

Rakhmat Hidayat:男,印尼雅加達州立大學(State University of Jakarta (UNJ))副教授,研究題目:The Politics of Recognition of Taiwanese Indigenous People: Lessons Learned for Indonesia。研究期間:12個月。

Marina Ika Sari:女,印尼哈比比中心(The Habibie Center(NGO))專員,研究題目:US-China Rivalry in the Taiwan Straits and its Implication for Cross-Strait Relations。研究期間:4個月。

Rita Pawestri Setyaningsih(林莉雅):女,印尼國家創新研究署區域研究中心(Research Center for Area Studies, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN))研究助理(博士生),研究題目:Role of the Indonesian Community in Taiwan in Supporting the Development of the Taiwan Halal Tourism Industry。研究期間:4個月。

Italy 義大利

Patalano, Alessio:男,英國倫敦國王學院戰爭研究學系(Department of War Studies, Kings College London)教授,研究題目:Military Coercion in the Strait of Taiwan and the Stability of the International Maritime Order。研究期間:3個月。

Savina, Tonio:男,義大利羅馬智慧大學(Sapienza University of Rome)博士後研究,研究題目:The Construction of Taiwanese Political Identity and its Perception in Europe: An Analysis in Light of the New International Scenario。研究期間:4個月。

Japan 日本

Daikoku, Takehiko(大黒岳彦):男,日本明治大學(Meiji University)教授,研究題目:Media and Pluralism in the Information Society: Taiwan as a Model。研究期間:12個月。

Hoshi, Junko(星純子):女,日本茨城大學人文社會學系(Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ibaraki University)副教授,研究題目:Toward Understanding Complex Governance in Rural Taiwan: The Emergence of Diverse Community Development。研究期間:9個月。

Katayama, Yu(片山侑):女,日本西南學院大學(Seinan Gakuin University)博士生,研究題目:從後疫情時代下臺日兩國的家事分工意識所觀察到的社會性別-透過日日、臺日、臺臺三種夫妻的家事分工進行分析。研究期間:12個月。

Matsuda, Yasuhiro(松田康博):男,日本東京大學東洋文化研究所(Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The Tokyo University)教授,研究題目:Structure and Development of the Cross-Strait Relations under the Sino-U.S. Strategic Competition。研究期間:10個月。

Matsuzawa, Setsuko(松澤節子):女,美國伍斯特大學(College of Wooster)教授,研究題目:Women and Youth Climate Change Activism in Taiwan。研究期間:7個月。

Nagasawa, Yuko(長澤裕子):女,日本東京大學(The University of Tokyo)副教授,研究題目:Two Peace Treaties Reexamined : Politics between the “San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951) “and “Peace Treaty between Japan and the Republic of China (1952)”。研究期間:12個月。

Sakura, Osamu(佐倉統):男,日本東京大學(The University of Tokyo)副教授,研究題目:Exploring the Origins of Techno-Animism and Clarifying the Current State of the Art in Taiwan。研究期間:4個月。


Cho, Hyun Seung(趙顯承):男,韓國軍隊研究協會(Korea Association of Military Studies)助理研究員,研究題目:A New Indo-Pacific Strategy for South Korea: Preparing for a Taiwan Conflict。研究期間:12個月。

Cho, Kwanhaeng(趙寬行):男,韓國空軍士官學校(Republic of Korea Air Force Academy)副教授,研究題目:Taiwan's Military Strategy Concepts and Force Construction against China's Military Threats and Invasion: Focusing on the Analysis of the Taiwan Air Force and its Implications for the Korean Air Force。研究期間:12個月。

Kim, Sunho(金鮮浩):男,韓國亞洲少數民族研究所(Institute for Asian Minority Studies)執行長,研究題目:In-Depth Research of the Expansion Direction of the Utilitarian Relationship Between Taiwan and Mongolia-Central Asian Countries 深入研究台灣與蒙古-中亞國家功利的關係擴大方向。研究期間:12個月。

Lee, Juyoung(李周泳):女,美國約翰‧霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)博士候選人,研究題目:The Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation and Technological Cooperation in East Asia during the 1950s。研究期間:8個月。

Shin, Wonwoo(申沅雨):男,韓國漢陽大學中國問題硏究所(Institute for Chinese Studies, Hanyang University)助理研究員,研究題目:China's Maritime Gray Zone Strategy and Responses of Neighboring Countries。研究期間:10個月。

Son, Key Young(孫基榮):男,韓國高麗大學(Korea University)教授,研究題目:A Study of Cross-Strait Relations from the Perspectives of “Life Politics”: Changing Taiwanese Perceptions of China and the Rise of Division-Oriented Identity。研究期間:8個月。


Astrauskas, Balys(白立斯):男,立陶宛維爾紐斯大學(Vilnius University)博士生,研究題目:Hakka Ancestor Worship Practices in Rural Taiwan。研究期間:11個月。

Boruta, Raigirdas(白瑞格):男,立陶宛維爾紐斯大學(Vilnius University)博士候選人,研究題目:Taiwanese Diplomatic Approaches to the Baltic States in the 1990s and the Present: Rationale, Methods and Challenges。研究期間:12個月。

Ivanauskas, Tomas:男,立陶宛維陶塔斯馬格努斯大學(Vytautas Magnus University)博士生(文化部參事),研究題目:Visual Anthropological and Ethnographic Research on Taiwanese Indigenous Tribes Culture。研究期間:4個月。

Malawi 馬拉威

Munyenyembe, Benson:男,馬拉威大學(University of Malawi)講師,研究題目:The Impact of Mainland China's Hostility on Taiwan's National Unity。研究期間:11個月。

Malaysia 馬來西亞

Goh, Hong Lip(吳宏立):男,馬來西亞拉曼大學(Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR))助理教授,研究題目:The Spill-Over Impacts of RCEP and New Southbound Policy on Cross-Border E-commerce: A Study on Taiwanese Stakeholders Perspective Towards the Malaysia Market.。研究期間:6個月。

Goh, Soo Khoon(吳素君):女,馬來西亞理工大學國際及政策研究中心(Centre for Policy Research & International Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia)副教授,研究題目:Examining the Income Inequality and Aging in Taiwan。研究期間:5個月。

Hew, Soon Hin(丘順興):男,馬來西亞多媒體大學(Multimedia University)副教授,研究題目:The Challenges of Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: Similarities and Differences of Malaysia and Taiwan。研究期間:3個月。

Lee, Yow Siang(李耀祥):男,馬來西亞南方大學學院(Southern University College)博士生,研究題目:Taiwan Can Help: 臺灣文化輸出對馬來西亞檳城州中文劇場的影響初探。研究期間:12個月。

Mexico 墨西哥

Reyes Sol Is, Juan Roberto:男,墨西哥克雷塔羅阿瓦納克大學(Universidad Anáhuac Queretaro)教授,研究題目:Present and Future of Taiwan in the Global Economy。研究期間:3個月。

Mongolia 蒙古

Enkhbat, Narantsatsral:女,美國堪薩斯州立大學(Kansas State University)博士候選人,研究題目:Interpreting Politico-Strategic Motivations for Chinese Military Exercises。研究期間:7個月。

Zorigt, Bolor(寶樂爾):女,蒙古國家安全委員會戰略研究所(Institute for Strategic Studies, National Security Council of Mongolia)助理研究員,研究題目:Northeast Asia after the Ukraine Crisis: Implications for Taiwan and Mongolia。研究期間:9個月。


van Langen, Sven Kevin:男,義大利那不勒斯帕臺諾普大學(Parthenope University of Napels)博士候選人,研究題目:Comparing ESG Reporting and Sustainable Finance Policies & Regulations in the ROC, PRC, and EU; Assessing Their Effects on Taiwanese Firms。研究期間:9個月。

New Zealand紐西蘭

Heraud, Richard Martin:男,獨立學者,研究題目:Enterprise and the Relationship Between Compulsory Military Training and Professional Career Development: Motivating Conscripts to Optimize Their Compulsory Training in the Taiwanese Armed Forces。研究期間:6個月。

Nigeria 奈及利亞

Iwuoha, Victor:男,奈及利亞聯邦大學(University of Nigeria, Nsukka)資深講師,研究題目:United States-Taiwan Security Cooperation and the Countering of China's Military Expansionist Threats in Taiwan。研究期間:3個月。

Nwachukwu, Precious Tobechlikwu Toby.:男,南非比勒陀利亞大學(University of Pretoria)博士後研究,研究題目:Cross-Strait Relationship within the Confines of Ethical Leadership Patterns and the Future of Taiwan Development and Sovereignty。研究期間:12個月。

Philippines 菲律賓

Pitlo, Lucio III:男,菲律賓亞太發展之路基金會(Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation)講師,研究題目:Can the New Southbound Policy Help Nearshore Taiwan's Chip Supply Chain to Southeast Asia for Resilience?。研究期間:12個月。

Poland 波蘭

Skrzypiec, Joanna:女,波蘭公共電視台(Polish Public Television (TVP Info))記者,研究題目:An Analysis of Taiwan’s Economic Transformation, the Implication of Taiwan’s Democracy and High–Tech Economy on Geopolitical Situation and Taiwan’s Geopolitical Relationship With the European Union, Russia and the People’s Republic of China。研究期間:6個月。


Galimov, Marat(高立瑪):男,俄羅斯國家研究大學高等經濟學院(Higher School of Economics)博士生,研究題目:Nationalism in the Development of China-Japan-South Korea Relations (late 20th - early 21st centuries).。研究期間:6個月。

Gordienko, Dmitrii:男,俄羅斯聯邦總統國民經濟與國家行政學院(Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)教授,研究題目:Ensuring the Economic Security of the Republic of China in the Implementation of Global Integration Projects。研究期間:3個月。


Mitrovic, Dragana:女,塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德大學(University of Belgrade)教授,研究題目:The Concept of Indo-Pacific Region: Opportunities and Risks for Local Actors。研究期間:5個月。


Tan, Cheng Kian(陳正見):男,新加坡新躍社會科學大學(Singapore University of Social Sciences)資深講師,研究題目:Comparison of Social Robot as a companion for Older Adults in Taiwan。研究期間:3個月。


Csányi, Peter:男,斯洛伐克布拉提斯拉瓦經濟大學(University of Economics in Bratislava)助理教授,研究題目:Why are China-Taiwan Relations So Tense?。研究期間:3個月。

Zhang Cziráková, Daniela(唐藝夢):女,斯洛伐克康美紐斯大學科學院(Academy of Science, Comenius University)助理教授,研究題目:Liu Guosong and his Influence on Avant-Garde Movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China。研究期間:4個月。

Somaliland 索馬利蘭

Yasin, Guled:男,索馬利蘭總統府(Somaliland Presidency)國際事務主任(博士候選人),研究題目:Taiwan Integrated Curriculum Competencies: Lessons for a Paradigm Shift in Somaliland Curriculum Trajectory。研究期間:8個月。


Sanz Bayon, Pablo:男,西班牙科米里亞斯主教大學ICADE商學院(ICADE Business School, Comillas Pontifical University)助理教授,研究題目:Digital Finance, Cross-Border Payments and Central Bank Digital Currencies: EU-Taiwan Cooperation on Policy and Tech Innovation。研究期間:3個月。

Sweden 瑞典

Mo Welin, Erik Axel:男,瑞典烏普薩拉大學(Uppsala University) 博士候選人。研究題目:The Reception of the Three Body Problem in Taiwan。研究期間:7個月。


Gapany, Jérôme(高哲樂):男,瑞士洛桑大學(University of Lausanne)博士候選人。研究題目:The Social Life of Infrastructures in Urbanizing Taiwan: A Visual Ethnography 臺灣都市基礎建設的社會生活:以視覺民族誌為研究方法。研究期間:10個月。

Jaguscik, Justyna Aleksandra:女,瑞士伯恩大學(University of Berne)資深講師。研究題目:Mapping the Archipelago of Transnational Sinophone Theater。研究期間:4個月。

Thailand 泰國

Mr. Ueasin, Nattanin:男,泰國孔敬大學(Khon Kaen University)副教授,研究題目:A Study of Taiwan and Thailand Renewable Energy Policies: Trends to the Future。研究期間:6個月。

Turkey 土耳其

Alperen, Umit(鄭和):男,土耳其伊斯帕爾塔蘇萊曼德米雷爾大學(Suleyman Demirel University)助理教授,研究題目:A Comparative Study on Turkey and Taiwan’s Approach to PRC’s Belt and Road Initiative。研究期間:12個月。

Çubukçuoğlu, Serhat Sűha:男,美國約翰‧霍普金斯大學進階國際研究學院(Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS))博士後研究,研究題目:The Ukraine Crisis, Geopolitical Shifts, and Implications for Taiwan。研究期間:4個月。

Karadağ, Haluk:男,土耳其巴斯肯特大學政治及國際關係學系(Department of Political Science and International Relations, Başkent University)副教授,研究題目:Building Ties with the World: A New Public Diplomacy Architecture for Taiwan’s Foreign Policy。研究期間:6個月。

United Kingdom (UK) 英國

Scanlan, Oliver(使凱平):男,孟加拉自由藝術大學(University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh)副研究員,研究題目:Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Nation-Building, and Land and Forest Governance: Comparing Indigenous Peoples’ Policies in Taiwan, India and Bangladesh。研究期間:11個月。

Thornton, Mariah(宋妍嫵):女,英國倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)博士候選人,研究題目:Authoritarian Interference and Democratic Resilience: How Taiwan’s Countermeasures Against Chinese Interference are Consolidating its Democracy。研究期間:4個月。

Ukraine 烏克蘭

Poita, Yurii:男,烏克蘭軍事轉換裁軍研究中心;法拉比哈薩克國立大學(Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies, Ukraine; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)亞太部主任;博士候選人,研究題目:The Russian-Ukrainian War: the Role of China and the Consequences for the China’s Further Foreign Policy。研究期間:12個月。

United States (USA) 美國

Abidde, Sabella:男,美國阿拉巴馬州州立大學(Alabama State University)教授,研究題目:Taiwan’s Engagement With Africa, 1949-2022。研究期間:7個月。

Avalos, Toby:男,美國華盛頓州森特勒里亞學院(Centralia College)副教授,研究題目:Exploring African Contributions to the Liberation and Development of Taiwan during the 17th Century。研究期間:7個月。

Gueorguiev, Dimitar Dimitrov:男,美國雪城大學(Syracuse University)副教授,研究題目:Exploring the Politics of Taiwan’s Fishing Industry。

Guy, Nancy(蓋南希):女,美國聖地雅哥加利福尼亞大學 (University of California, San Diego) 教授,研究題目:Music, Garbage, and the Environmental Imagination in Taiwan。研究期間:5個月。

Keliher, Macabe(克禮):男,美國南方衛理公會大學(Southern Methodist University)副教授,研究題目:Hong Kong-Taiwan Business Relations and the Transformation of Global Manufacturing香港-臺灣商業關係與全球製造業的變化。研究期間:6個月。

Madding, Ann:女,美國劍橋市哈佛法學院(Harvard Law School, Harvard University)博士生,研究題目:The Unique Role of Taiwan in Fighting the Illegal Wildlife Trade: An Analysis of the Implementation of CITES Obligations by a Non-Contracting Party。研究期間:5個月。

McDonald, Scott(麥德威):男,美國塔福茨大學弗萊徹法律與外交關係學院(The Fletcher School at Tufts University)博士候選人,研究題目:The Potential of Hierarchy: The Role of Classical Chinese Philosophy in the Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China。研究期間:3個月。

Moore, Aaron(莫亞楠):男,英國愛丁堡大學語言文化與文學院(Literature, Language, and Culture, University of Edinburgh)教授,研究題目:The Modern Future: Speculative Fiction, Science Writing, and National Development in North Asia, 1900-1945。研究期間:5個月。

Venezuela 委內瑞拉

Reyes Cardona, Nahem Ali:男,委內瑞拉中央大學美洲研究中心(Center for American Studies, Central University of Venezuela)副研究員,研究題目:Communist China and Its Implications of its Penetration in the Americas, a Look Beyond the Spectacularity of the Big Numbers。研究期間:6個月。

Vietnam 越南

Lê Thi, Duong(黎氏楊):女,越南社會科學院文學研究所(Institute of Literature, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)助理教授,研究題目:The Influence of Taiwanese Cinema on Vietnamese Cinema。研究期間:6個月。

Luöng, Anh Linh:女,越南峴港大學(The University of Da Nang)博士生,研究題目:The Implementation Process of Taiwan's New Southbound Policy (NSP) in Southeast Asian Countries.。研究期間:6個月。

Nguyen Dang, Lan Anh(阮鄧蘭英):女,越南社會科學翰林院中國研究所(Institute for Chinese Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)博士後研究,研究題目:Responses to Grey Zone Coercion in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea。研究期間:7個月。

Truong, Quang Thông(張光聰):男,越南胡志明市經濟大學(University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City)副教授,研究題目:China's Fiscal and Monetary Policy Response to the 2008 Global Financial crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the Lessons Learned。研究期間:7個月。