100 applicants from 38 countries are selected as 2024 Taiwan Fellowship Candidates. After submitting a Letter of Consent for Research by the end of 2023, the candidates will officially become Taiwan Fellowship Scholars.
Here comes the full list, in alphabetical order by country.:
Argentina 阿根廷
Malena, Jorge Eduardo(馬豪恩):男,阿根廷國際關係協會(Argentine Council for International Relations)主任。研究題目:Understanding Taiwan and China’s Grand Strategy。研究期間:3個月。
Heduvan, Julieta Helena:女,拉美地區亞洲與非洲研究協會(Latin American Association of Asian and African Studies (ALADAA))巴拉圭代表。研究題目:The Paraguay-Taiwan Relationship in a Complex World. An Analysis of the Persistence of an Unusual Relationship in an Uncertain International Order。研究期間:7個月。
Austria 奧地利
Lavaulx-Vrecourt, Henriette:女,德國柏林民族學博物館(Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Germany)策展人。研究題目:Collaborative Research on Austronesian Objects from Taiwan。研究期間:7個月。
Bangladesh 孟加拉
Hossain, Raian:男,英國諾丁漢大學(University of Nottingham, UK)博士生,研究題目:South and East Asia's Small Powers Foreign Policy among US-China Rivalry in 21st Century。研究期間:4個月。
Belgium 比利時
Detry, Charles-Emmanuel(戴里仁):男,法國巴黎第二大學(Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, France)博士候選人。研究題目:The Status of Taiwan in Light of the Regulation of the Use of Force in International Law。研究期間:9個月。
Brazil 巴西
de Azevedo Filho, Pedro Luiz:男,巴西阿漢瑰拉大學(Anhanguera University)博士後研究。研究題目:The Strategic Potential of Semiconductors in the Formulation of Taiwan’s Foreign Policy Towards Brazil。研究期間:12個月。
Canada 加拿大
Esarey, Ashley Woodrow (葉敘理):男,加拿大亞伯達大學(University of Alberta)副教授,研究題目:Nylon Cheng (鄭南榕) and Taiwan's Democratization in the 1980s。研究期間:7個月。
Desormeaux, Michael:男,加拿大麥克馬斯特大學(McMaster University)博士生,研究題目:Guardians of Democracy: Understanding and Comparing Anti-Foreign Interference Policies in Canada and Taiwan in the Face of Sharp Power.。研究期間:7個月。
Denmark 丹麥
Jessen, Franz:男,獨立學者。研究題目:Decoupling / Derisking - What are the Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Taiwan and Lessons to be Learned in Europe from the Debate in Taiwan.。研究期間:10個月。
France 法國
Aghhavani-Shajari, Benyamin (本雅明•夏嘉立):男,法國艾克西里亞商業大學 / 法國艾克斯馬賽大學 (Excelia Business School / Aix-Marseille University)助理教授。研究題目:The Internet of Things (IoT) for Cold Chain Decarbonization in Taiwan's Maritime Industry: The Information Governance Challenge。研究期間:3個月。
Germany 德國
Coste, Carl Cevin-Key:男,德國漢堡博銳思法學院(Bucerius Law School)博士生。研究題目:State Liability Law in the Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany。研究期間:4個月。
Tai, Katharin(戴愷琳):女,美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)博士候選人,研究題目:The Bureaucratic Ghost in the High-Tech Machine: How Government Bureaucracies Shape, Limit and Enable High-Tech Governance: Information Technology and State Power in Cold War Autocracies-Taiwan。研究期間:5個月。
Hebel, Kai Ralph:男,荷蘭萊登大學(Leiden University, Netherland)助理教授,研究題目:Promoting Peace and Strengthening Security: The "Helsinki Model" Applied to Cross-Strait Relations。研究期間:4個月。
Riemenschnitter, Andrea(洪安瑞):女,瑞士蘇黎世大學亞洲與東方文化研究所(Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland)教授,研究題目:Senses of Place. Landscape and Spirituality in Contemporary Taiwanese Poetry and Sound Art。研究期間:4個月。
Stanzel, Angela:女,德國國際與安全事務研究所(Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP))研究員,研究題目:Exploring Paths towards Improving Taiwan’s Space Force。研究期間:4個月。
Kunz, Leon(王禮豪):男,美國德州奧斯丁大學台灣研究中心(Center for Taiwan Studies, University of Texas at Austin, USA)博士後研究,研究題目:The Contributions of Social Movements to Democratization in Taiwan and South Korea。研究期間:6個月。
Hungary 匈牙利
Vámos, Péter(王俊逸):男,匈牙利歸正會卡羅里·加斯帕爾大學(Károli Gáspár Reformed University)副教授,研究題目:Catholicism in contemporary Taiwan—Indigenization and Religious Syncretism. A Case Study of the Former Hungarian Jesuit Mission in Chiayi County。研究期間:4個月。
Szilágyi-Gál, Mihály:男,匈牙利羅蘭大學媒體及傳播學系(Department of Media and Communication, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE))助理教授,研究題目:From Apolitical to Apolitical Conceptual Outline for Understanding Apolitical Elements in Hungary and Taiwan。研究期間:4個月。
India 印度
Agnihotri, Kamlesh:男,印度海事協會(National Maritime Foundation)研究員,研究題目:Contemporary Taiwan Strait Situation and Global Security Order: India’s Role in Maintaining ‘Balance of Power?研究期間:4個月。
John, Jojin:男,印度甘地大學(Mahatma Gandhi University)助理教授,研究題目:Middle Powers Realignment in the Indo-Pacific: Emerging Contours of India-Taiwan Relations。研究期間:3個月。
Dubey, Charu Ratna(杜明寶):男,印度考底利耶大學(Chanakya University)助理教授,研究題目:Decolonization, Democratization, and Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and India。研究期間:9個月。
Patil, Chetananand:男,印度孟買大學(University of Mumbai)博士生,研究題目:A Comparative Study of China's Disinformation Campaign against Taiwan and India。研究期間:12個月。
Arun, Swati:女,印度外交部當代中國研究中心(Centre for Contemporary China Studies (CCCS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, India)顧問,研究題目:The Shifts in Sino-US Relations: Taiwan’s Role in Indo-Pacific Strategy 2017-2024。研究期間:12個月。
Gupta, Rishi:男,印度亞洲社會政策中心(Asia Society Policy Institute)研究員,研究題目:Taiwan and the Great Himalayas: An Assessment of Taipei’s Strategic Interests。研究期間:3個月。
Passi, Ritika:女,獨立學者,研究題目:The Role of Technology in Elevating India-Taiwan Ties: Assessing Scope, Prospects, and Consequences。研究期間:5個月。
Indonesia 印尼
Muhamad Rusliyadi:男,印尼農業部日惹瑪格朗農業工藝發展中心(Polytechnic of Agricultural Development Yogyakarta Magelang, Ministry of Agriculture)副教授,研究題目:A Comparative Study of Agricultural Vocational Education in Taiwan and Southeast Asia Countries。研究期間:12個月。
Luh Nyoman Ratih Wagiswari Kabinawa(陸碧宜):女,澳大利亞西澳大學(The University of Western Australia)博士候選人,研究題目:The Role of Migrant Workers in Indonesia's Policies toward Taiwan。研究期間:9個月。
Prima Nurahmi Mulyasari:女,印尼國家創新研究署區域研究中心(Research Center for Area Studies, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN))助理研究員,研究題目:Enhancing People-to-People Connections between Indonesia and Taiwan: The Role of Special Branch of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCI-NU) Taiwan within the Framework of the New Southbound Policy。研究期間:6個月。
Fikry Zahria Emeraldien(張思卉):女,印尼蘇南安佩爾州立伊斯蘭大學(Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya)助理教授,研究題目:The Trust of Taiwanese Youth in Mainstream Media and Social Media。研究期間:3個月。
Italy 義大利
Frosina, Silvia(絲芳):女,義大利比薩高等師範學校(Scuola Normale Superiore)博士生,研究題目:“The Most Dangerous Place on Earth?” : Taiwan's Social Movements between Cross-strait Relations and Democratic Consolidation。研究期間:12個月。
Casarini, Nicola:男,義大利國際事務研究院(Istituto Affari Internazionali)副研究員,研究題目:Potential, and Limits, of Italy / EU-Taiwan Relations。研究期間:6個月。
Japan 日本
Ando, Takemasa(安藤丈将):男,日本武藏大學社會學院(College of Sociology, Musashi University)教授,研究題目:Antinuclear Movements and Their Legacy for Civil Society: A Comparation of Taiwan and Japan。研究期間:10個月。
Maehara, Shiho(前原志保):女,日本九州大學(Kyushu University)助理教授,研究題目:The Formation Process of National Consciousness of "Taiwanese" in the Lee Teng-hui Era (1988-2000 and its beyond)。研究期間:12個月。
Yamaura, Koichi(山浦紘一):男,日本立命館亞洲太平洋大學(Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)副教授,研究題目:Clarifying Differences in Consumer Restrained Buying Behavior by Information in Pacific Island Countries-Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan-。研究期間:7個月。
Matsuda, Takuya:男,日本政策研究大學院大學(National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS))博士後研究,研究題目:The U.S.-Japan Alliance’s Response to a Taiwan Contingency: Closer Coordination for a Robust Deterrence。研究期間:3個月。
Minato, Teruhiro(湊照宏):男,日本立教大學經濟學部(Economics Faculty, Rikkyo University)教授,研究題目:U .S. Aid and Taiwanese Chemical Fertilizer Industry。研究期間:12個月。
Matsumura, Masahiro(松村昌廣):男,桃山學院大學(St. Andrew's University
in Osaka)教授,研究題目:Taiwan’s Evolving Defense Strategy Against China: History, Inconsistency, and Implications to Japan。研究期間:7個月。
Korea 韓國
Lee, Young Im(李英任):女,美國加州州立大學薩克拉門托分校(California State University, Sacramento, USA)副教授,研究題目:The Impact of Tsai Ing-wen and Park Geun-hye's Presidencies on Gender Equality in Taiwan and South Korea。研究期間:3個月。
Park, Chung Yeol(朴貞烈):女,韓國拿撒勒大學(Korea Nazarene University)教授,研究題目:The Role of Soft Power in Mitigating Cross-strait Tensions and the Potentials of Hallyu (韓流) towards Cultural Diplomacy。研究期間:8個月。
Kim, Jaehyung(金宰亨):男,美國夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校(University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA)博士生,研究題目:Decolonization and Repatriation: The Nationalist Party's Policies Towards Koreans in Manchuria。研究期間:6個月。
Joo, Jang Hwan(周長煥):男,韓國韓信大學(Hanshin University)教授,研究題目:A Study on Dynamics of the Cross-Strait Relation in the Era of U.S.-China Strategic Competition。研究期間:7個月。
Kim, Jinho(金珍鎬):男,韓國檀國大學(Dankook University)教授,研究題目:Conflict and Peaceful Resolution in Northeast Asiafocused on US-China Relations, Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan Strait Issues。研究期間:9個月。
Park, Sun Ryung(朴宣昤):女,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學政治學系(Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia, Canada)博士候選人,研究題目:Race to Go Green: Exploring Proactive Green Industrial Policy and State Intervention in East Asia:3個月。
Ko, Jong-Hwan(高鍾煥):男,韓國國立釜慶大學(Pukyong National University)教授,研究題目:Taiwan's Exclusion from the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) and Its Opportunity Costs: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach:6個月。
Kuwait 科威特
Alhajeri, Abdullah:男,科威特大學(Kuwait University)教授,研究題目:The History of Political and Economic Relations Between the Arab Gulf Countries and Taiwan.。研究期間:12個月。
Lativia 拉脫維亞
Stecenko, Inna:女,拉脫維亞運輸和電信學院學院(Transport and Telecommunication Institute)教授,研究題目:The Development of High Technologies and Digital Waste: the Experience of Taiwan and the Baltic Countries。研究期間:12個月。
Malaysia 馬來西亞
Wong, Wong Ming:男,泰國格樂大學(Krirk University, Thailand)副教授,研究題目:Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Consumption in Taiwan and Thailand After the COVID-19 Pandemic。研究期間:11個月。
Au Yong, Hui Nee(歐陽慧妮):女,馬來西亞拉曼大學(Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman)副教授。研究題目:Digital Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: A Study of Taiwan SMEs:3個月。
Hoo, Chiew Ping(胡秋坪):女,馬來西亞東亞國際關係策進會(East Asian International Relations (EAIR) Caucus)資深研究員。研究題目:From Tipping Point to De-Risking: Mapping Precarious Pathways on the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Straits。研究期間:11個月。
Chong, Yew Keat Collins 張優杰):男,馬來亞大學(University of Malaya)研究助理。研究題目:Future Security and Power Parity in China's Taiwan Agenda: Implications on Conflict Risks。研究期間:3個月。
Mexico 墨西哥
Sanchez Cesar, Miriam Laura(米莉安):女,墨西哥泛美大學(Universidad Panamericana)助理教授。研究題目:Nearshoring as a Vehicle to Strengthen Economic Ties between Mexico and Taiwan。研究期間:12個月。
Mongolia 蒙古
Baatarkhuyag, Enkhchimeg(其木格):女,獨立研究員,研究題目:「1911至1919年蒙古獨立運動」及「蒙中俄三邊關係」。研究期間:12個月。
Rentsendorj, Davaanyam:男,蒙古科學院國際研究所(Institute of International Studies, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS))博士候選人,研究題目:The Democratic System and Experience of Taiwan。研究期間:12個月。
Nyamdorj, Manlai:男,德國特里爾大學(Trier University, Germany)博士候選人,研究題目:China’s Communication Within National and Global Media System(s)。研究期間:4個月。
Namibia 納米比亞
Iroanya, Richard:男,納米比亞大學(University of Namibia)副教授,研究題目:Exploratory Study of the Strategic Implications of Russo Ukrainian War for the Survival of Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific Region。研究期間:12個月。
New Zealand 紐西蘭
Adam, Jarvis:男,北帕默斯頓市議會(Palmerston North City Council)官員,研究題目:The Future of Smart Cities: Lessons from Taiwan for Western Municipalities。研究期間:3個月。
Nigeria 奈及利亞
Cocodia, Jude:男,奈及利亞尼日爾三角洲大學(Niger Delta University)副教授,研究題目:China’s Growing Influence and Its Ramifications for Security and Democracy in Africa。研究期間:11個月。
Ottoh, Okonicha Ferdinand:男,奈及利亞拉各斯大學(University of Lagos)副教授,研究題目:Sub-National Involvement in Para-Diplomacy: Nigeria and Taiwan in Focus。研究期間:12個月。
Ugwueze, Michael Ikechukwu:男,奈及利亞大學(University of Nigeria)副教授,研究題目:China’s Vision 2035: Implications for Continued Taiwan’s Sovereign Statehood。研究期間:11個月。
Umeh, Akachukwu Darlington:男,獨立學者,研究題目:An African Perspective To China/USA Quest for Sole Maximum Influence and Control of Taiwan。研究期間:12個月。
Oman 阿曼
Salmi, Abdul Rahman:男,阿曼種族與宗教部(Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs)研究員,研究題目:The New Silk Road and Intercommuniication between Peoples。研究期間:6個月。
Philippines 菲律賓
Ona, Sherwin:男,菲律賓德拉薩爾大學(De La Salle University)副教授,研究題目:At the Frontlines of Taiwan’s Cyber War: Opening Policy Development Opportunities in the Philippines。研究期間:4個月。
Rabena, Aaron Jed:男,菲律賓大學亞洲中心(Asian Center; Department of National Defense, University of the Philippines)資深講師,研究題目:China’s Rise and Core Interests: A Comparison of China’s Approach to the Taiwan Question and the South China Sea Issue, and Policy Responses of the Philippines and Taiwan。研究期間:6個月。
Poland 波蘭
Wojciechowski, Czeslaw Jerzy(和家樂):男,波蘭天主教托倫教區(Diocese of Torun)博士後研究,研究題目:Integration of Migrants From Different Continents Into New Cultural Context in Taiwan and the Impact of the Religiosity or Philosophy in the Process of Adaptation (1949-2023)。研究期間:11個月。
Brzozowska, Blanka:女,波蘭羅茲大學(University of Lodz)副教授,研究題目:Taiwan’s Soft Power in Poland。研究期間:6個月。
Wisniewska, Maria(秦雨輝):女,波蘭洞見報(Polityka Insight)媒體分析師,研究題目:Overcoming Barriers in Taiwan-CEE Relations: A Comprehensive Analysis and Policy Recommendations。研究期間:7個月。
Kaluzynska, Kaja:女,波蘭亞捷隆大學社會科學博士學院(Doctoral School for Social Sciences, Jagiellonian University)博士候選人,研究題目:Social Capital of Taiwan and South Korea: A Sociological Approach to Public Diplomacy。研究期間:5個月。
Portugal 葡萄牙
Chung, Teng Io(鍾定瑤):女,加拿大多倫多大學(University of Toronto, Canada)博士候選人,研究題目:The 1970s US Military Withdrawal from Taiwan and Its Logistical Implications for US-Japan Security Relations。研究期間:4個月。
Russia 俄羅斯
Mirkin, Iakov:男,獨立研究員,研究題目:Decoding the Taiwan Economic Miracle: Leveraging its Experience and Best Practices for the Enhancement of Trade and Economic Cooperation between Taiwan and Post-Soviet States, and Advancing their Integration within the Asia-Pacific Region and on a Global Scale。研究期間:5個月。
Slovakia 斯洛伐克
Istvanova, Maria:女,斯洛伐克科學院東方研究所(Institute of Oriental Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences)博士後研究,研究題目:Image of the New Southbound Policy in the Domestic Taiwanese Media。研究期間:4個月。
Zigo, Daniel:男,斯洛伐克夸美紐斯大學法學院(Faculty of Law, Comenius University)助理教授,研究題目:Promoting Sustainable Trade Relations between the EU and Taiwan: Legal Implications。研究期間:5個月。
Somaliland 索馬利蘭
Abdi, Moahamoud Abdirizak:男,索馬利蘭國防部(Ministry of Defense, Somaliland)官員,研究題目:The Effect of Tripartite Agreement of Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea on Horn of Africa Security。研究期間:6個月。
Spain 西班牙
Recio Rodriguez, Jose Ignacio:男,西班牙薩拉曼卡大學(Universidad de Salamanca)教授,研究題目:Application of Neurofeedback Techniques to Improve Anxiety and Sleep Quality in Young Taiwanese With Anxiety and Sleep Disorders。研究期間:5個月。
Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Sebastian(塞巴斯蒂安•康丁):男,香港大學亞洲全球研究所(Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong)資深講師,研究題目:Strengthening Collaboration & Engagement through Track II Diplomacy。研究期間:12個月。
Sweden 瑞典
Englund, Johan:男,瑞典防禦研究中心(Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI))研究員,研究題目:Growing Tensions in the Taiwan Strait – What Are the Roles of Europe and Japan? 研究期間:12個月。
Marcel, Mangold:男,瑞典國防大學(Swedish Defense University)助理教授,研究題目:Strategies to Enhance the Quality of Military Training: Learning, Creativity and Debates in the Reforms of Conscription and Military Training in Taiwan。研究期間:6個月。
Thailand 泰國
Yuhannan, Abdullah:男,泰國朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn University)博士候選人,研究題目:Transformative Pathways: Exploring the Role of Digital Activism and Social Media Platforms in Driving Political Change among Social Movement Organizations in Taiwan and Thailand。研究期間:12個月。
Pitakdumrongkit, Kaewkamol:女,新加坡拉惹勒南國際關係學院(S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore)副教授,研究題目:Examining the Future of Taiwan-ASEAN Economic Cooperation in the Context of the US-China Rivalry and the Post-Taiwanese Presidential Election of 2024。研究期間:3個月。
Smithsarakarn, Phohnthip Naoise(何玥):女,泰國詩納卡寧威洛大學人文學院(Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University)講師,研究題目:English Language Policy and Language Teaching in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities for English as a Medium of Instruction towards Higher Education Bilingual Programme。研究期間:3個月。
Kruaechaipinit, Sasinan(林美霞):女,泰國國立法政大學博雅學院(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University)助理教授,研究題目:Taiwan’s Empirical Diplomacy for Thailand: Smart Public Diplomacy Approach.。研究期間:4個月。
Turkey 土耳其
Çubukçuoğlu, Serhat Sűha:男,獨立學者,研究題目:The Ukraine Crisis, Geopolitical Shifts, and Implications for Taiwan。研究期間:3個月。
United Kingdom 英國
Miller, Isobel Fleur(孟麗英):女,英國紐卡斯爾大學(Newcastle University)博士候選人,研究題目:"Re-education" Discourses in Xinjiang: How Far Does China's Post-2017 "De-extremification" Campaign Constitute a Form of Authoritarian Conflict Management? 研究期間:7個月。
Nguyen, Thanh Giang(阮江):男,英國廣播公司國際頻道(BBC World Service)記者,研究題目:Seeking an Alternative View and Space for Debate in Vietnamese Media About Taiwanese Democracy and Diplomacy。研究期間:4個月。
Lee, Joyman(李再文):男,英國格拉斯哥大學法學院(School of Law, University of Glasgow)助理教授,研究題目:The Law of Express Trusts in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis from English and Quebec Law
日本和台灣的明示信託法: 從英格蘭和魁北克法律角度的比較研究。研究期間:3個月。
Ukraine 烏克蘭
Zubkovych, Alina:女,基輔經濟學院 / 北歐烏克蘭論壇(Kyiv School of Economics / Nordic Ukraine Forum)助理教授(代表),研究題目:Perspectives of Ukraine-Taiwan Cooperation。研究期間:3個月。
Polegkyi, Oleksii:男,波蘭科學院政治研究所(Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences)研究員,研究題目:The Formation of National Identity in Conditions of Existential Threat: The Case of Ukraine and Taiwan。研究期間:6個月。
United State of America 美國
Smith, Thomas:男,美國北伊利諾斯大學(Northern Illinois University)教授,研究題目:Assessing, Comparing, and Predicting Pedagogical Self-Efficacy in Civic Scientific Literacy among Taiwanese Teachers。研究期間:7個月。
Eldridge, Robert David:男,日本戰略研究智庫(Japan Forum for Strategic Studies)研究員,研究題目:The Impact of the 2024 Presidential Election on Taiwan's Future Foreign Policy。研究期間:12個月。
Horowitz, Shale:男,美國威斯康星大學密爾沃基分校(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)教授,研究題目:Taiwan as the Center of Gravity in the China-U.S. Rivalry: Understanding and Building Capacity in the Military, Economic and Political Spheres。研究期間:5個月。
Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei(李榭熙):男,美國佩斯大學(Pace University)教授,研究題目:Taiwan and Christian Broadcast in the Battle of the Cold War Airwaves。研究期間:7個月。
Hennessey-Niland, John Thomas:男,美國德州農工大學布希政府與公共事務學院(The Bush School of Government, Texas A&M U University)教授,研究題目:Focus on Taiwan and Pacific Islands as Strategic Links in the Chain that Links Like-minded Nations in Asia with the United States of America, in Terms of Support of Democratic Governance, Respect for Rule of Law, Economic Dependency and Concern for Environment。研究期間:4個月。
Hinsdale, Mason Earl(韓夢石):男,美國加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California, Berkeley)博士候選人,研究題目:Capitalist Morality in the Chinese Revolution, 1905-1937。研究期間:9個月。
Erskine, Kristopher(畢思明):男,美國雅典州立大學(Athens State University)助理教授,研究題目:Taiwan’s Plant-based and Vegetarian Food Culture, Past and Present。研究期間:5個月。
Ngo, Sylvia(吳雪菲):女,美國喬治華盛頓大學(George Washington University)博士候選人,研究題目:Caring for Ethnographic Collections in Taiwanese Museums: Navigating Difference, Historical Legacies, and Alternative Futures。研究期間:7個月。
McNinch, Ronald:男,美國關島大學(University of Guam)副教授,研究題目:Improving Emergency Response in the Social Media Environment。研究期間:5個月。
Vietnam 越南
Pham, Thi Thuy Dung(范氏垂蓉):女,越南胡志明市經濟財政大學(Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF))博士後研究,研究題目:The Impacts of Accession to Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership on Taiwan’s Economy: Applying the GTAP Model in the Labor Market。研究期間:12個月。
Nguyen, Thi Ha:女,越南人文科學院中文研究所(Institute of Chinese Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)博士後研究,研究題目:Promoting Vietnam-Taiwan Economic Cooperation in the Context of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy Implementation。研究期間:6個月。
Huynh, Tam Sang(黃心光):男,越南胡志明社會科學與人文大學(University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City)講師,研究題目:Navigating Cross-Strait Relations: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Middle-Power Diplomacy。研究期間:12個月。
Tran Duc, Anh Son (陳德英山):男,越南東亞大學(Dong A University)資深講師,研究題目:The US-Taiwan Relationship: The Adjustment Over the Past 50 Years and Its Impact on the Asia-Pacific and ASEAN。研究期間:10個月。
Vo, Thi Phuong Thuy:女,越南人文科學院歷史研究所(Institute of History, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)博士後研究,研究題目:Ports and Maritime Trade of Taiwan and Vietnam in the 17th Century。研究期間:12個月。