
Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars (2016 Second Term)


Time: Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Venue: Briefing Room 129, National Central Library, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

11:40-12:10 報到

12:10-12:20 主席致詞:外交部研究設計會 介文汲主任
Opening Remarks:
Mr. Dale W.C. Jieh, Director General, Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

12:20-12:40 講題:亞太地區的中間勢力:被動的旁觀者或是主動的利害相關者?
Topic: Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific: Passive Bystanders or Active Stakeholders ?
主講人:比利時魯汶天主教大學Tanguy Struye de Swielande教授
Speaker: Dr. Tanguy Struye de Swielande, Professor, Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium

12:40-13:00 講題:中國處理朝鮮半島核彈衝突日增的兩難處境
Topic: China's Growing Dilemma in Resolving the Nuclear Conflict on the Korean Peninsula
Speaker: Dr. Steven Kim, Associate Professor, DKI Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, US

13:00-13:20 講題:臺灣高等教育的七個挑戰
Topic: Seven Challenges of Higher Education in Taiwan
主講人:西班牙巴塞隆納大學Jesus M. de Miguel教授
Speaker: Dr. Jesus M. de Miguel, Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain

13:20-13:40 講題:如何與臺灣建立自由貿易關係:一些暫定的結論
Topic: How to Get into Free Trade Relations with Taiwan: Some Tentative Conclusions
主講人:瑞士蘇黎世大學 Patrick Ziltener 教授
Speaker: Dr. Patrick Ziltener, Professor, University of Zurich, Switzerland

13:40-14:10 討論
Q & A

Online Registration: http://activity.ncl.edu.tw/