Deadline for Taiwan Fellowship Application has been extended to July 15, 2017.
The Taiwan Fellowship is established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in 2010 to encourage foreign experts and scholars in the fields of social sciences and humanities interested in researches related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, Asia-Pacific region and Chinese studies to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan.
The application period in 2017 for the Taiwan Fellowship is from May 1 to July 15. Please go to Online Application (http://taiwanfellowship.ncl.edu.tw/eng/apply01.aspx) and fill in the application form and upload relevant documents. After submitting, please send all the official copies of your application documents to your R.O.C (Taiwan) Embassy or Representative Office before July 16.
※ Eligibility: Foreign nationals who are professors, associate professors, assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates, or doctoral program students at related departments of overseas universities, or are research fellows at an equivalent level in academic institutions abroad
※ Grant period: Three months to one year (research period is from January to December in 2018.)
※ Application documents: 1. application form, 2. resume (including a publication list), 3. research proposal, 4. letters of recommendation
※ Deadline: July 15, 2017
※ Financial assistance: One direct round-trip economy-class ticket and monthly grant
Level of professors and associate professors: NT$ 60,000 each month
Level of assistant professors and doctoral candidates: NT$ 50,000 each month