Parks, Sandra

  • 國籍 Nationality:
  • 美國United States of America
  • Parks,Sandra的照片
  • 受獎年度 Year:
  • 2016
  • 研究機構 Position Then:

  • Louisiana State University
  • 職稱 Title:
  • Assistant professor
  • 研究主題 Topic of Research Plan:
  • The Origin of the Invisible Cultural Bridge Crossing the Pacific through Austronesian people: the Dance and Culture of Taiwanese Aboriginals
  • 網頁 Web Site:
  • 著作目錄 Article Catalog:
    • Documentary: The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance (65 minutes) Co-Producer, Co-Director, Film Editor, Dance Specialist, and Interview Translator
    • Documentary: The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance (65 minutes) Co-Producer, Co-Director, Film Editor, Dance Specialist, and Interview Translator
  • 獎助成果發表 Research Report: