Ott, Margus

  • 國籍 Nationality:
  • 愛沙尼亞Estonia
  • Ott,Margus熊古思的照片
  • 受獎年度 Year:
  • 2016
  • 研究機構 Position Then:

  • Tallinn University
  • 職稱 Title:
  • Assistant professor
  • 研究主題 Topic of Research Plan:
  • Embodied Knowledge in the Early Chinese Philosophy
  • 網頁 Web Site:
  • 著作目錄 Article Catalog:
    • Vägi. [Potency]. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press (in presss, to be published by the end of 2015).
    • Filosoofilised esseed [Philosophical Essays]. Tallinn: Eesti keele sihtasutus (in press, to be published at the end of 2015/beginning of 2016)
    • “Chinese Refreshment for Contemporary Political Thought: wúwéi, care, and democracy”, in International Journal of Area Studies, 2013, pp 36-50.
    • “The practice of time. Time and practice in Deleuze and Dogen” (in collaboration with Alari Allik), in J. Heisig, R. Raud (eds.), Classical Japanese Philosophy, Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2010, pp. 148-174; available at: http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/publications/EJPhilosophy/PDF/EJP7%20Ott%20and%20Allik.pdf
    • Vägi. [Potency]. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press (in presss, to be published by the end of 2015).
    • Filosoofilised esseed [Philosophical Essays]. Tallinn: Eesti keele sihtasutus (in press, to be published at the end of 2015/beginning of 2016)
    • “Chinese Refreshment for Contemporary Political Thought: wúwéi, care, and democracy”, in International Journal of Area Studies, 2013, pp 36-50.
    • “The practice of time. Time and practice in Deleuze and Dogen” (in collaboration with Alari Allik), in J. Heisig, R. Raud (eds.), Classical Japanese Philosophy, Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2010, pp. 148-174; available at: http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/publications/EJPhilosophy/PDF/EJP7%20Ott%20and%20Allik.pdf
  • 獎助成果發表 Research Report: