Low, Choo Chin

  • 國籍 Nationality:
  • 馬來西亞Malaysia
  • Low,Choo Chin 劉楚君 的照片
  • 受獎年度 Year:
  • 2016
  • 研究機構 Position Then:

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • 職稱 Title:
  • Assistant professor
  • 研究主題 Topic of Research Plan:
  • Migration and Citizenship: Comparing Immigrant Citizenship in Taiwan and China
  • 網頁 Web Site:
  • 著作目錄 Article Catalog:
    • Low Choo Chin (2015). The Politics of Emigration and Expatriation: Ethnicization of Citizenship in Imperial Germany and China. Journal of Historical Sociology. 28 (1).
    • Low Choo Chin (2015). Debates over Liberalising Dual Citizenship: Prospects and Limits in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 11 (1):1–33.
    • Low Choo Chin (2014) Defending National Identity and National Interests: The Limits of Citizenship Transnationalism in Germany and China. Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI 10.1007/s12134-014-0362-4
    • Low Choo Chin. (2013). Isu Dwi-kerakyatan dalam pembentukan Kewarganegaraan Malaysia: 1900-1965 [Dual citizenship issues in the formation of Malaysian nationality, 1900-1965]. Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia.
    • Low Choo Chin (2015). The Politics of Emigration and Expatriation: Ethnicization of Citizenship in Imperial Germany and China. Journal of Historical Sociology. 28 (1).
    • Low Choo Chin (2015). Debates over Liberalising Dual Citizenship: Prospects and Limits in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 11 (1):1–33.
    • Low Choo Chin (2014) Defending National Identity and National Interests: The Limits of Citizenship Transnationalism in Germany and China. Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI 10.1007/s12134-014-0362-4
    • Low Choo Chin. (2013). Isu Dwi-kerakyatan dalam pembentukan Kewarganegaraan Malaysia: 1900-1965 [Dual citizenship issues in the formation of Malaysian nationality, 1900-1965]. Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  • 獎助成果發表 Research Report: