Rodins, Mihails

  • 國籍 Nationality:
  • 拉脫維亞Latvia
  • Rodins,Mihails的照片
  • 受獎年度 Year:
  • 2019
  • 研究機構 Position Then:

  • Baltic international Academy
  • 職稱 Title:
  • Associate professor
  • 研究主題 Topic of Research Plan:
  • Convergence of China, Taiwan and Russia in the political process of Euro Union. I plan to work with literature and receive the consultations in order: 1) to characterize achievements in political and economic development of China and Taiwan, cardinally changing its role in the world; 2) to analyse the concrete results reached on the various directions of cooperation between EU and China, Taiwan and Russia; 3) to reveal possible prospects of development of bilateral ties, to characterize solutions of the problems which are available in the relations between EU and China, Taiwan and Russia. The result of this training plans the following: 1) establishment of institutional communications between department of the European Studies of BIA and the Taipei university; 2) preparation of the academic course on partnership of EU, China and Taiwan 3) preparation of materials and lectures for reading a course; 4) development of the project “strategic partnership between Taiwan and the Baltic States”
  • 網頁 Web Site:
  • 著作目錄 Article Catalog:
  • 獎助成果發表 Research Report: